Kuala Kubu Bharu

Other than by your own car, bus or KTM train you can also get around KKB by:

Taxi: This service is mainly provided by privates so don't expect a taxi meter. The taxis are usually located at the bus stop or at the KTM station. Just for reference a ride up to Fraser's Hill is around RM80 while a ride to the Sungai Selangor Dam is RM15 go and return. From the KTM station to KKB town the price is relatively fixed at RM5.

On foot: KKB is a small town. Everything in the town centre is accessible by foot. Around the town centre there are various Hindu, Taoist and Buddhist temples which are also accessible by foot. Near the golf course there is an Aborigine village named Kampung Tun Razak. The residential areas around KKB are very scenic and provide great opportunities for bird watching and photography. The forest, dam and rivers are not easily accessible by foot. A mountain bike is recommended.

By Bike: A bicycle is ideal if you stay in KKB. You can rent one at the Flying Rhino Guesthouse (http://www.flyingrhino.com.my) be sure you reserve in advance especially on weekends. Many Aborigine villages, rivers, waterfalls and the dam are all reachable by mountain bike. If you are fit enough then you can bike all the way up to Fraser’s Hill or stop half way up at the Gap.

Contrary to what has been said on KKB, the town is quite lively. Shops close quite late and there is even a 24 hour restaurant.